
All of our clinicians have experience helping people with many different concerns in a range of treatment modalities. Learn more about each individual Psychologist by clicking on their name or Bio, and click the link to send a direct email.

Erika Shilling, PhD

Erika Shilling, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist / Co-Owner

Sydney Mills, PsyD

Sydney Mills, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Ariella Libicki, PsyD

Ariella Libicki, PsyD

Pre-Licensed Psychology Associate

Michelle Mullaley, PhD

Michelle Mullaley, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Jasleen Parihar, PsyD

Jasleen Parihar, PsyD

Pre-Licensed Psychology Associate

Tracy Palmer, PsyD, MPH

Tracy Palmer, PsyD, MPH

Independent Contractor for Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychological Testing

Justine Simpson, PsyD

Justine Simpson, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Director

Megan L. Strause, PsyD

Megan L. Strause, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Training Director

Nicole Woodard, PsyD

Nicole Woodard, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Karena Plater, PsyD

Karena Plater, PsyD

Independent Contractor for Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychological Testing

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